30 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Blog Writing

Featured image for an article on the 30 best prompts for blog writing.

AI tools like ChatGPT, while very intelligent, can only provide you with as much quality in output as you give them in input. Put simply, if your prompt is rushed without putting much thought to it, you’ll get content that barely meets your requirements. In this article, we’ll be saving you the trouble of brainstorming … Read more

How to Make AI Content Undetectable

Featured image on how to make AI content undetectable.

Artificial intelligence is here and doesn’t seem like it’ll be going anywhere any time soon.  For many people, that’s not a problem at all. For others, the opposite is the case. They often consider artificially generated content repetitive, unengaging, robotic and simply unwanted in their websites and work generally. So, they tend to avoid it … Read more

Five Content Management System Examples Besides WordPress

A featured image for an article about content management systems outside of wordpress. It features several elements and icons to symbolize CMSs.

Usually, when some people think of content management systems, the first example that comes to mind is WordPress. For some others, it is the only example that comes to mind. It’s not difficult to understand why. WordPress is immensely popular, easily outclassing every competitor out there with over 40% of the web relying on the … Read more

Succeeding at AI Content Creation: The Ultimate Guide to Scaling Your Content Strategy with Generative AI

Featured image for an article about succeeding at AI content creation with KWHero.

Without wasting any time adding to the infinite echo chamber, I’ll get this out of the way — AI in content creation and marketing is here to stay. This article’s primary purpose is to help you leverage it for success in content creation and strategy. First Things First It’s important to address two things before … Read more

New Content Series: KWHero Spotlights

A featured image for an article introducing KWHero's new content series called KWHero Spotlights.

If you’ve been keeping up with us at KWHero, you probably already know that we’ve had a lifetime deal going on at AppSumo for a couple of weeks now. Between February 12th, when we initially launched the deal, and now, we’ve gotten a ton of feedback that’s helped us improve our product and even build … Read more

KWHero vs NeuronWriter Comparison: Which Content Tool is Right for You?

A featured image for an article doing an in-depth comparison of KWHero and NeuronWriter

We tested KWHero against NeuronWriter and found a few interesting things. For starters, KWHero scores higher in the ease-of-use sector. We also found that KWHero offers more for less per credit purchased alongside a good few technical advantages. But that brief summary hardly does justice to the nuances of both platforms. Let’s dive into what … Read more

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