AI tools like ChatGPT, while very intelligent, can only provide you with as much quality in output as you give them in input. Put simply, if your prompt is rushed without putting much thought to it, you’ll get content that barely meets your requirements.
In this article, we’ll be saving you the trouble of brainstorming by providing a list of 50 great ChatGPT prompts for blog writing.
Best ChatGPT Prompts for Brainstorming Blog Ideas
One of the first few hurdles you have to scale when creating content is coming up with ideas that will actually help you get your blog on Google’s front page, sustain your readers’ interest and align with your niche.
Here are a few ChatGPT prompts to generate engaging blog ideas:
1. Prompt: I own a [NICHE] blog that targets [AUDIENCE]. I’m looking to write blog posts for the defined audience and niche and I want my topic to cut across [SAMPLE CONTENT PILLARS], among other things. Come up with ten different ideas including, but not limited to the ones mentioned here for my blog. For each idea, suggest a title and an alternative that I could go for.
Practical Example: I own a [BBQ] blog that targets [dads in the US and Canada who love to grill outdoors in private and social settings for friends, neighbors and family members]. I’m looking to write blog posts for the defined audience and niche and I want my topics to cut across [how-tos and product recommendations], among other things. Come up with ten different ideas including, but not limited to, the ones I’ve mentioned here for my blog. For each idea, suggest a title and an alternative that I could go for.

2. Prompt: I’m planning to start a blog for my [BUSINESS TYPE]. My target audience would be [AUDIENCE]. Come up with seven different topic categories and five different blog post ideas for all seven categories. Keep them engaging and ensure that the content is relevant to the audience.
Practical Example: I’m planning to start a blog for my [SEO content marketing agency]. My target audience would be [B2B SaaS companies and FinTech companies that are looking to scale their content marketing campaigns with a limited team]. Come up with seven different topic categories and five different blog post ideas for all seven categories. Keep them engaging and ensure that the content is relevant to the audience.
3. Prompt: I recently launched a new product. It’s called [PRODUCT NAME]. The peculiar thing about my product is that it is [INSERT UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION AND ADVANTAGE TO USERS]. I want to start a blog to promote my product. Come up with fifteen blog ideas, each targeting a different SEO keyword.
Practical Example: I recently launched a new product. It’s called the CoffeeMaker5000. The peculiar thing about my product is that it is self-cleaning, completely eliminating the need for users to take the extra time to clean it after use. I want to start a blog to promote my product. Come up with fifteen blog ideas, each targeting a different SEO keyword.
4. Prompt: I’m building a content strategy for [COMPANY NAME OR COMPANY TYPE]. The primary content pillars are [INSERT YOUR CONTENT PILLARS]. Come up with seven blog ideas for each of these three categories with titles and alternatives for me to choose from.
Practical Example: I’m building a content strategy for an SEO software company. The primary content pillars are SEO Tips, AI Content Creation, and Keyword Research. Come up with seven blog ideas for each of these three categories with titles and alternatives for me to choose from.
Best ChatGPT Prompts for Blog Outlines
A solid outline gives you a bird’s eye view of what your article should look like ahead of time. Here are a few ChatGPT prompts to generate great blog outlines:
1. Prompt: I am writing an SEO article on [TOPIC]. A few other competitors have written about this topic on their blogs and they all seem to cover subtopics like [KEY AREAS COMPETITORS HAVE COVERED]. Generate an outline for me that covers all these indepth but also has other related subtopics to really give the reader a comprehensive view of the subject.
Practical Example: I am writing an SEO article on AI-Powered Content Creation. A few other competitors have written about this topic on their blogs and they all seem to cover subtopics like examples of AI-powered content creation tools, tips for creating content with AI, etc. Generate an outline for me that covers all these indepth but also has other related subtopics to really give the reader a comprehensive view of the subject.

2. Prompt: I am writing a [WORD COUNT]-word article titled [TITLE]. Generate an outline consisting of H2 and H3 subheadings with no more than 5 H4 subheadings covering the topic. Make all subheadings short and sweet, no more than 60 characters long and ensure that they’re all catchy and in tune with the content to be discussed under them. For my purposes, give a brief explanation of what each subheading will discuss.
3. Prompt: I am writing an article on [TOPIC] and my goal is to rank for the following keywords:
Note that the first keyword is the primary keyword I’m hoping to rank for, ahead of my competitors. So, generate a comprehensive outline, expertly weaving the keywords listed above into each subheading. Keep the subheadings short and catchy to really get the audience’s attention.
4. Prompt: Give me a sample structure for an opinion piece on [TOPIC]. I am arguing for this topic, NOT against it and I am taking a strong definitive stance. However, I would also like to be impartial in my observation of the points surrounding the issue. The outline should begin with a strong introduction and should include a section-by-section breakdown of the points to be made in defense of my position on the topic.
5. Prompt: You are a content marketer with tons of experience under your belt. I want you to create a blog outline for [TOPIC]. The intended word count is [NUMBER OF WORDS] and the target audience is [AUDIENCE]. In the outline, include a breakdown of the distribution of words for every subheading.
6. Prompt: Generate an outline complete with key points and headings to to cover in an article titled [TOPIC].
7. Prompt: I am writing an article on [TOPIC]. What are the main points I need to cover to engage my audience of [TARGET AUDIENCE] in about [NUMBER OF WORDS] words or so? Please provide this answer in the form of a structured outline with indications of which subheadings would be H2 and H3, as required.
Best ChatGPT Prompts for Blog Introductions
The introduction of any article is often what determines whether or not a reader will continue. Below are the best ChatGPT prompts to use if you’d like to craft killer introductions:
1. Prompt: I am writing a comparison piece that pits [PRODUCT A] against [PRODUCT B]. My aim is to convince users that my product, Product A, is better than B by a mile in a few key areas.
While I aim to establish that at the very beginning, I am not looking to sound overly biased from the introduction. So, craft a blog post introduction that engages the reader, reflects my sentiment but not in an overly salesy way and teases the rest of the article.
2. Prompt: My article extensively discusses [TOPIC] but it is missing an introduction. The entire piece is attached below. Go through it and craft an introduction that would get the user interested in reading the entire piece without giving away too many details from the start.
3. Prompt: Craft an introduction for a blog post about [TOPIC]. Start with engaging questions or surprising statistics to draw the reader into a more comprehensive examination of the topic that will be covered later on in the article.

4. Prompt: You are a [EXPERT IN SPECIFIC NICHE] that has spent the last 10 years [PERFORMING ACTIVITIES THAT ESSENTIALLY CONFIRM EXPERTISE]. You run a blog on [NICHE] and you’re working on a blog post about [SPECIFIC TOPIC WITHIN THE NICHE].
Write an introduction for the article and include a quick recount of [INSERT A QUICK STORY THAT MIGHT BE USEFUL TO THE ARTICLE]. Keep it short but engaging and write with a friendly, lighthearted tone to set the mood for the rest of the article.
Practical Example: You are a [freelancer who lives as a nomad] that has spent the last ten years [traveling across 30 countries in Europe]. You run a blog on [working as a nomadic freelancer] and you’re working on a blog post about [the Top Ten Countries in Europe for Nomadic Freelancers on a Budget].
Write an introduction for the article and include a quick recount of [the one time you were delayed at the airport so long, you missed your flight just because you didn’t know you weren’t meant to go beyond 20kg]. Keep it short but engaging and write with a friendly, lighthearted tone to set the mood for the rest of the article.

5. Prompt: Create a blog post introduction that begins with a compelling quote which relates perfectly to [TOPIC]. Right after giving the quote, write a very brief but punchy intro that will lead into the rest of the article. The goal is to give the reader a sense of things moving at a fast pace with no room for extraneous information.
6. Prompt: Write an introduction for a blog post discussing [TOPIC]. Start with a very interesting statistic about the topic and relate said stat to the rest of the topic so that it doesn’t simply float on its own, unrelated to the rest of the article.
7. Prompt: My article is introducing a new product that solves [INSERT USER PROBLEM]. There are several other tools on the internet like [COMPETITORS] and their approach is usually to do [INSERT COMPETITOR SOLUTION]. We’re taking a different route and we believe that it’ll revolutionize how [TARGET AUDIENCE] solves [USER PROBLEM]. Craft an intro that starts with a very contrarian statement to grab the reader’s attention. Use it as a hook to lead into the rest of the article.
8. Prompt: Recently, the entire internet has been abuzz with conversations about [INSERT RECENT TRENDY OCCURRENCE THAT’S RELEVANT TO YOUR NICHE]. I’m putting together an article on [TOPIC]. Write an introduction that connects [RECENT TRENDY OCCURRENCE] to the rest of my article. Make it read like humorous and lighthearted commentary on the occurrence.
Best ChatGPT Prompts for Main Blog Content
Everything until this point is more or less the preliminary stage of content writing. The prompts you give here would make the difference between a great article and a shoddy piece. So, here are the best ones for writing your main content body:
Discuss various solutions to this problem as they relate to [TARGET AUDIENCE].
Break down each solution, provide useful pros and cons, and share case studies or examples where these solutions have been successfully implemented.
2. Prompt: I have created the following outline:
Craft a full-length article following this outline to the letter, including word counts. The tone should be authoritative and knowledgeable but casual and relatively friendly – like a more experienced colleague at the office, giving the new hire a few pointers on how things are done around the company.
3. Prompt: Write a blog post that debunks common myths about [TOPIC].
Note: For this to work properly, you’ll need to insert myths about the entire subject. You can begin by asking ChatGPT for myths surrounding the topic.
4. Prompt: I am writing a niche article on [TOPIC] and it is often a cause for debate among experts and enthusiasts of the subject.
To form an article, I want you to compile several opinions from experts who have spoken on the subject and then examine them all, providing necessary context as well as an objective point of view.
The goal is to help the reader form an opinion based on the presentation of facts as opposed to feeding them with the opinion ourselves or taking a specific stance on the matter.
Note: A great way for this to work would be for you to find a list of those opinions first and then feed them into ChatGPT. That way, you’re less likely to end up with random thoughts the tool makes up.
5. Prompt: I am writing an article about [TOPIC]. Identify the key trends affecting this topic and discuss the implications of these trends, supported by data, and offer predictions on how they might evolve in the future.
Best ChatGPT Prompts for Blog Conclusions
An article that starts strong should also finish strong and do its best to leave a memorable imprint on the readers’ minds. Here are the best ChatGPT prompts for blog conclusions to make that happen:
1. Prompt: Summarize the most important points that have been discussed so far in the article. Use the summary to revisit the main insights without being repetitive and emphasize the action points for the readers. Keep it short and simple.
2. Prompt: Based on the solutions provided earlier in the article, conclude by including one powerful CTA for the user to follow. Do not make it too salesy. Instead, make a reasonable argument for the CTA as the most logical course of action to go with.
3. Prompt: Write a conclusion that makes a subtle emotional appeal to the readers based on the arguments presented earlier in the article.
4. Prompt: Come up with three different conclusions for a blog post titled [TOPIC]. Each of them should be written with a slightly different tone and style and should echo the main points discussed in the article without being repetitive.

5. Prompt: Write a short conclusion for the blog post [TOPIC] that reflects on the key ideas within the content itself. Make it personal, in line with the tone and the personality of the article itself.
6. Prompt: Craft a blog post that offers next steps for the readers, having taken the time to go through the article. Make it succinct and actionable.
Wrapping Up
ChatGPT, without a doubt, offers huge advantages, especially if you take the time to craft the perfect prompt. However, as you can probably tell from the multiple sections this article was broken into, it needs a lot of prompting for it to work properly.
Of course, you can go through all that to get your articles done one section at a time. But a better alternative is to simply use a tool like KWHero to get your work done much faster with total control over the output, less stress with prompting and no reduction in quality. Visit KWHero to learn more.