How to Humanize AI Content: A Comprehensive Guide for Enhanced Engagement

Content creators are constantly exploring new ways to connect with their audience. One method gaining traction is using AI to generate online content. 

But here’s the catch – while AI can churn out text quickly, it often lacks the emotional touch that makes content genuinely resonate with readers. 

That’s where the need to humanize AI content comes into play. This guide aims to show you exactly how to do that, transforming sterile AI-generated text into something that engages your audience.

Understanding the Fundamentals of AI-Generated Content

What is it and What Role Does it Play Today?

When we talk about AI-generated content, we’re referring to text crafted by artificial intelligence tools rather than simply edited by them, like what you’d find with Grammarly. 

This distinction is key because content that was written entirely by a human but was edited by AI is still fundamentally human. As such, it wouldn’t be entirely accurate to equally classify it under the umbrella of AI-generated content.

With regards to its role in our present reality, AI-generated content helps businesses and content creators scale their content production, making it easier to keep up with the demands of online publishing. 

It’s particularly useful in improving marketing efficiency, where the ability to rapidly produce high volumes of high-quality content can be a game-changer.

Moreover, AI-generated text is revolutionizing how we approach content creation, offering unprecedented speed and volume. 

However, its rise also brings challenges, primarily relating to how to maintain the quality and authenticity that audiences crave in a sea of digital content.

The role of AI in content creation is expanding, and its impact is undeniable. From social media posts to blog articles, AI-generated text is becoming a staple in the toolkit of digital marketers and content creators worldwide.

The Importance of Humanizing AI-Generated Content

Humanizing AI-generated content is vital for several reasons. These three, however, are some of the most important.

To Bridge the Gap Between AI Efficiency and the Human Touch

AI is incredibly efficient at producing content, but it often misses the mark on replicating the nuanced, emotional depth found in human-created art. 

While online articles might not seek to move us as deeply as great art does, they still need a touch of humanity to truly connect with readers.

By balancing AI’s efficiency with the human touch, we can create content that not only informs but also resonates on a personal level.

 This balance is crucial for content that aims to engage and retain readers, making them feel a part of the narrative rather than mere consumers of information.

To Enhance Reader Engagement Through Humanized Content

Content that feels too mechanical or detached can quickly lose the reader’s interest. In contrast, humanized content, with its inherent warmth and relatability, naturally draws readers in, making them more likely to engage with the material and take action.

This engagement is not just about keeping the reader’s attention; it’s about creating an experience that sticks with them, encouraging repeat visits and fostering a loyal community around your content.

To Better Manage Skeptics

Not everyone is a fan of AI, and some may approach AI-generated content with skepticism. By humanizing your content, you can preemptively address these concerns, presenting your material in a way that’s more likely to be welcomed rather than resisted.

This strategy doesn’t just improve the reception of your content; it also opens doors to broader audiences who might otherwise be hesitant to trust AI-generated text. 

Humanizing your content makes it accessible and appealing, even to those usually wary of technological advancements in content creation.

How to Humanize AI-Generated Content

Humanizing AI-generated content requires a thoughtful approach, blending the efficiency of technology with the nuanced understanding of human emotion and experience. 

By adopting specific strategies, we can infuse AI-generated text with a personal touch, making it resonate more deeply with readers. Let’s explore how to achieve this balance.

Select the Right Tool

Not all AI writing tools are created equal. In the vast landscape of the online world, finding the right AI tool is the first step in crafting content that feels genuine and human. 

Look for tools that offer flexibility and customization, allowing you to guide the AI’s output more closely toward your desired tone and style.

Understanding the capabilities and limitations of your chosen tool is crucial. A deep dive into how it processes and generates text can help you better shape the prompts you give it, leading to more natural, human-like content.

Furthermore, the best AI writing tools are those that adapt to your needs, learning from your inputs to produce content that aligns more closely with your brand’s voice and your audience’s expectations. This adaptability is key to humanizing the content it generates.

A great example of a tool you can consider is KWHero.

Its suite of features from content planning to outline building and prompting and finally, content generation make it an absolute gem in practically every content specialist’s arsenal. You can see our case studies here.

Incorporate Personal Insights and Real Life Examples

Injecting personal stories into your content is a powerful way to humanize it. These stories not only make the content more relatable but also add a layer of authenticity that AI alone cannot replicate. 

Sharing a personal story can transform a generic piece of writing into something that speaks directly to the reader’s experiences and emotions.

Real-life examples serve a similar purpose, grounding abstract concepts in reality and making them more accessible to the reader. T

his approach not only enhances the readability of your content but also builds a stronger connection between you and your audience.

Write in Active Voice

Using active voice is a straightforward yet effective technique for making your content sound more natural and engaging. 

Unlike passive voice, which can make sentences feel awkward and convoluted, active voice brings clarity and directness to your writing, qualities that are essential for humanizing AI-generated text.

This shift in writing style can dramatically alter the reader’s perception of your content, making it feel as though you’re speaking directly to them. It’s a simple change with a significant impact on the overall tone and accessibility of your content.

Write How You Speak

Adopting a writing style that mirrors how you speak can significantly humanize your content. This approach helps break down barriers between you and the reader, making the text more approachable and engaging. 

Note that writing as you speak isn’t about sacrificing professionalism; it’s about authenticity. It invites readers into a dialogue, making them feel valued and understood. 

This technique not only enhances engagement but also strengthens the trust and loyalty of your audience.

Remove and Avoid Overused Phrases

When you’re using AI tools to create content, it’s easy to fall into the trap of relying on clichés and overused expressions. These words and phrases can make your writing feel stale and uninspired. 

To keep your content fresh and engaging, scan your drafts for these common culprits. 

Replace them with original thoughts or phrases that better reflect your unique voice. This small step can make a big difference in how your audience perceives your message.

Remember, AI detectors and human readers alike can spot a lack of originality. By actively avoiding overused phrases, you’re not just dodging detection; you’re crafting content that stands out. 

Challenge yourself to think beyond the first words that come to mind. This will help ensure your writing resonates more deeply with your readers, making them feel like they’re hearing something new and genuine.

Fact-Check Your Content for Accuracy and Trustworthiness

While AI tools are powerful, they’re not infallible. Misinformation can slip through, undermining your credibility. 

It’s crucial to fact-check your content, not just for AI detectors, but primarily for your human audience. 

If your content is riddled with errors, readers might dismiss it as low-effort AI-generated material. Take the time to verify the accuracy of your information. This diligence shows respect for your audience and builds trust.

Trustworthiness is the cornerstone of engagement. By ensuring your content is both accurate and reliable, you’re not only enhancing its quality but also fostering a loyal readership. 

People return to sources that consistently provide dependable information. This commitment to fact-checking can set you apart in a digital landscape filled with inaccuracies.

Edit with a Human Perspective

After using an AI to draft content, the next step is to inject humanity into it. 

A useful technique is to read your content out loud to a friend and ask for their feedback. This can highlight parts of your writing that sound stiff or too robotic. 

These are likely areas where the AI’s influence is too strong. By identifying and rewriting these sections, you can create a more natural flow that resonates with readers.

Remember, the goal is to produce content that feels like it was written by a human, for humans. If something sounds off, it probably needs a human touch. 

Use this feedback to refine your writing, eliminating any elements that detract from a conversational and engaging tone. This process ensures your content not only informs but also connects with your audience on a personal level.

Write Descriptive Prompts to Get the Most out of Your AI Content Tool

To leverage AI tools effectively, clear and descriptive prompts are key. Start by defining your brand voice and the tone and style you aim to achieve. 

Whether you’re looking for a conversational tone or a more formal one, your prompts should guide the AI in that direction. 

This clarity helps the AI align with your goals, producing content that feels more human and less like it was generated by an algorithm.

Think of your AI tool as a writing assistant rather than a replacement for human writers. 

By crafting prompts that specify the desired active voice, brand’s voice, and even the conversational tone, you streamline the content creation process. 

This approach not only saves time but also ensures the output is closely aligned with your vision, requiring less editing to achieve human-like content that resonates with audiences across parts of the world and in multiple languages.

Incorporate Visuals that are Man-Made

In the quest to humanize AI-written content, the power of visuals cannot be overstated. Integrating hand-drawn illustrations, personal photographs, or custom graphics can add a layer of authenticity and warmth to your content. 

These man-made elements complement the text, making the overall experience more relatable and engaging for your audience. By pairing your words with visuals that carry a human touch, you bridge the gap between digital and personal, enriching the reader’s experience.

Visuals serve as a counterbalance to AI-generated text, reminding the audience that behind the digital facade, there’s a human creative process at work. 

This strategy not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your content but also reinforces its originality and credibility. It’s a subtle yet effective way to humanize your content, making it more appealing and trustworthy to your audience.

Don’t Sacrifice Organic Writing for SEO

While optimizing content for search engines is important, it’s vital not to let SEO strategies undermine the natural flow of your writing. 

Overstuffing your content with keywords can make it sound forced and unnatural, distancing your human audience. 

Aim for a balance where your content is both discoverable and genuinely engaging. Remember, the ultimate goal is to create content that resonates with people, not just algorithms.

Striking the right balance requires a nuanced approach. Focus on integrating keywords seamlessly, ensuring they enhance rather than detract from your message. 

This way, your content remains relatable and retains a human touch, appealing to readers first and search engines second. It’s about crafting stories and sharing insights in a way that’s authentic to human writing, creating a connection that transcends the digital medium.

Should You Be Worried About Using AI?

Ordinarily, there’s no need to worry about incorporating AI into your content creation process. AI itself isn’t the issue; the problem arises with content that’s spammy or lacks purpose beyond ranking on search engines. 

Google and other platforms are becoming increasingly adept at identifying content that offers genuine value versus that which doesn’t. 

So, if you’re concerned about how your audience might react, transparency is key. Letting them know you use AI as a tool can demystify the process and foster trust. 

A quick example of a site that does this with success is Bankrate. Practically every article they have that’s generated with AI has a disclaimer on it. It’s usually something along the lines of “This article was generated using automation technology and thoroughly edited and fact-checked by an editor on our editorial staff.”

The screenshot below is the perfect case in point.

Transparency not only builds trust but also opens up a dialogue about the evolving role of AI in content creation. By being upfront about your use of AI tools, you invite your audience to understand and appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into blending technology with human creativity. This approach can mitigate any skepticism and highlight your commitment to quality and innovation.

Ultimately, the focus should be on the value your content provides, not the tools used to create it. High-quality, engaging content that serves the needs and interests of your audience will always stand out, regardless of whether AI played a role in its creation. 

Embracing AI as part of your toolkit can enhance your capabilities, enabling you to produce content that’s both efficient and impactful.

How Should You Use AI?

AI should be seen as a starting point in your content creation process, offering a foundation upon which to build. It’s an assistant that can help generate ideas, structure articles, and even draft content. 

However, it’s not a replacement for the human touch that adds depth, emotion, and nuance to your writing. Use AI to get the ball rolling, then infuse the content with your insights, experiences, and personal touch to elevate it further.

This approach allows you to leverage the efficiency of AI while ensuring the content remains engaging and authentic. 

By treating AI as a tool in your arsenal, you can streamline the more tedious aspects of content production, freeing up time to focus on creativity and storytelling. The result is a more efficient workflow that doesn’t sacrifice the quality or personal connection that defines great content.

Moreover, using AI in this way highlights a collaborative future where technology and human creativity work hand in hand. This synergy can lead to innovative content strategies and new forms of storytelling that captivate audiences in ways previously unimagined. 

Embrace AI as a component of your creative process, and watch as it opens up new avenues for expression and engagement.


Incorporating AI into your content strategy isn’t about replacing human creativity; it’s about enhancing it. AI writing tools offer a powerful way to begin the content creation process, but the final product should always bear the mark of human insight and emotion. 

By using AI intelligently and ethically, you can elevate AI-generated content, harnessing the power of AI to write content that’s engaging, relatable, and deeply human. 

The goal is to use these tools to support human communication, creating content that resonates on a personal level and stands out in the digital landscape.

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