Effective proofreading is crucial for ensuring that written content is polished and professional. Like many other aspects of the content writing/marketing process, this, too, can be optimized for efficiency with AI. So, we’ve put together the best prompts for proofreading your content before publishing.
Prompts for Detecting and Eliminating Grammatical Errors
When it comes to ironing out grammatical mistakes, ChatGPT can suggest a range of corrections that boost both clarity and accuracy. Here’s a list of prompts you might find handy:
- Identify and correct any grammatical errors in this text.
- Can you suggest more precise wording for these sentences? [PASTE PARAGRAPHS OF SENTENCES YOU’VE IDENTIFIED TO BE PROBLEMATIC].
- Highlight any misuse of complex language that may hinder readability in this text.
- Where can I improve sentence structures for enhanced clarity?
- Please check this paragraph for proper punctuation. [INSERT PARAGRAPH FOR CONTEXT]
- Suggest synonyms to avoid repetitive words and enhance vocabulary.
- Review this section for any complex sentences that could be simplified. [PASTE IN SECTION]
- Detect any passive voice usage that should be converted to active voice for more direct communication.
- Examine the article for grammatical mistakes that could confuse readers.
- Offer suggestions for improving clarity and accuracy in this technical document.
- Assess the usage of words and suggest changes for better precision.
- Check for any grammatical errors that might have been overlooked by a non-native speaker.
- Check this article for subject-verb agreement and suggest corrections.
- Highlight any incorrect use of tense in this document and provide the correct form.
- Review this text for comma splices, and suggest the necessary punctuation changes.
- Scan the article for pronoun-antecedent mismatches and correct them.
- Detect and fix any split infinitives in this content.
- Correct any misused homophones in the following paragraphs. [INSERT PARAGRAPHS FOR CONTEXT].
- Examine the article for dangling modifiers and revise the sentences as needed.
- Point out any redundant phrases in this text and suggest concise alternatives.
- Check for sentence fragments and suggest how to complete them. [PASTE IN SENTENCE FRAGMENTS].
- Identify any run-on sentences and provide corrected versions.
- Highlight any misuse of apostrophes in possessives and contractions.
- Review and correct any improper capitalization.
- Ensure that all lists within the text are parallel in structure.
Prompts for Detecting Deviations from Style Guide and Ensuring its Adherence
Ensuring your writing adheres to specific style guides is crucial for consistency and professionalism. Here’s a list of prompts that can help ChatGPT align your document with your chosen style guide:
- Compare this document against APA style guidelines and highlight deviations.
- Ensure all references are formatted according to the MLA style guide.
- Identify any sections that do not conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.
- Check for consistency in the use of Oxford comma throughout the document.
- Verify that the language matches the tone and formality required by our house style guide. [PROVIDE HOUSE STYLE GUIDE FOR CONTEXT]
- Adjust the language to meet the specific requirements of technical writing style guides. [PASTE IN TECHNICAL WRITING STYLE GUIDES].
- Highlight any inconsistencies in verb tenses as per academic writing standards.
- Ensure that bullet points follow the parallel structure recommended in our style guide. [DESCRIBE INHOUSE STYLE GUIDE FOR CONTEXT].
- Review the document for adherence to the specific citation format required. [SPECIFY YOUR PREFERRED CITATION FORMAT]
- Suggest changes to align with the active voice preference of our style guide.
- While writing content, we typically prefer to [DESCRIBE YOUR PREFERRED USE OF NUMERALS AND DATES]. Identify and correct any deviations from the prescribed use of numerals and dates.
- Ensure the document’s tone and voice remain professional, as per our style guide.
- Ensure all headings and subheadings align with our in-house style guide. [PROVIDE STYLE GUIDE]
- Review the text for any deviations from the specified style guide’s rules on acronyms. [PROVIDE STYLE GUIDE]
- Check for consistency in the use of oxford commas as per our style guide.
- When writing content inhouse, we typically only hyperlink two or three words to form an anchor phrase, never entire sentences. Ensure that hyperlink formatting conforms to our editorial standards.
- Verify that the bullet point styles follow our specific formatting rules. [DESCRIBE YOUR FORMATTING RULES]
- Examine text for adherence to the style guide’s requirements on block quotes. [PROVIDE STYLE GUIDE]
- Check for correct and consistent use of terminologies as per the style guide. [PROVIDE STYLE GUIDE].
Prompts for Maintaining Factual Accuracy
Factual accuracy is vital, especially in research papers and educational content. Here are some prompts to help ensure your article remains accurate:
- Verify the accuracy of historical dates mentioned in this article.
- Check for any inaccuracies in the statistical data presented.
- Confirm the correctness of scientific terminology used.
- Identify any claims that lack supporting evidence.
- Ensure all quoted text is accurately cited and attributed. Point out those that aren’t.
- Review for any potential inaccuracies in the explanation of processes or events.
- Suggest reliable sources to validate controversial statements made.
- Assess the article for any biased language that could mislead readers.
- Highlight any assumptions made that could be considered inaccurate.
- Check for consistency and accuracy in the use of technical terms.
- Ensure that all geographical names are spelled and used correctly.
- Validate the names and titles of all persons mentioned in this text.
- Confirm the accuracy of any legal information provided.
- Check the article for any outdated information that needs updating.
- Verify all technical terms and jargon for accuracy and appropriate context.
Prompts for Aligning Tone, Voice and Context Across the Article
Consistent tone and voice are critical for reader engagement. Consider using these prompts to achieve coherence:
- Ensure the tone remains professional and appropriate for an academic audience.
- Adjust the voice to be more engaging for a younger readership.
- Review the article for any shifts in tone that might confuse readers.
- Suggest changes to make the voice more authoritative on the subject matter.
- Identify any parts where the writing style does not match the rest of the document.
- Harmonize the tone across different sections for smoother transitions.
- Check for consistency in the use of active voice for a more direct approach.
- Align the context with the intended message in each section.
- Ensure the introduction and conclusion share the same voice and tone.
- Review for any jargon that might alienate the target audience.
- Suggest improvements to align the narrative voice with the article’s purpose.
- Ensure the tone and voice remain consistent in both the main text and bullet points.
- Highlight any parts of the text that deviate from the intended message.
- Suggest changes to align the informal sections with the formal tone of the article.
- Review the document for any jargon that might alienate our intended audience.
- Adjust the text to maintain a consistent perspective, either first-person or third-person.
- Ensure the language style matches the context and purpose of the article.
- Our audience is primarily made up of [DESCRIBE THE TARGET AUDIENCE IN DETAIL]. Highlight and revise any overly complex sentences to match the reading level of the audience.
- Review the document for emotional tone consistency, especially in sensitive topics.
- Adjust the narrative voice to ensure it is engaging and appropriate for the content type.
Prompts for Improving Transition and Flow Through the Piece
Smooth transitions and logical sequencing are key to maintaining your reader’s attention and enhancing the overall readability of your document. Here are prompts that can help:
- Identify areas where transitional phrases could improve the flow between sections.
- Suggest logical sequence adjustments to enhance the article’s clarity.
- Ensure all paragraphs contribute to and flow naturally into one another.
- Review the document for any abrupt changes in topic or tone that could disrupt readability.
- Highlight any sentences or paragraphs that could be rephrased for smoother transitions.
- Check for consistency in the use of present tense to maintain a uniform narrative.
- Suggest ways to link ideas more clearly using effective connecting words.
- Identify any repetitive information that could be consolidated for better flow.
- Enhance clarity by rearranging paragraphs to follow a more logical progression.
- Check for alignment in the use of formal tone throughout.
- Review the article for any irrelevant or off-topic sections that disrupt the flow.
- Review the organization of the article to enhance the narrative structure.
- Suggest changes to improve the pacing of the article and enhance reader engagement.
- Check for and eliminate any redundant transitions that may hinder readability.
- Ensure the conclusion effectively encapsulates the article’s main ideas and provides a clear ending.
- Suggest additions or deletions to improve the overall coherence of the article.
Best Practices to Follow When Incorporating AI in Your Process
To optimize the use of AI like ChatGPT in your editing and proofreading process, consider these best practices:
1. Use Specialized Tools

There’s no doubt that ChatGPT is a powerful tool for content creation, proofreading and practically everything else in between. However, its lack of specialization means that it might not always get the job done as perfectly as you want it to.
For instance, you’d likely have noticed that ChatGPT almost never follows your word count requirement when generating articles if you go over 1000 words.
This, among other reasons, is why it’s best to use specialized tools.
KWHero, for instance, can help you ensure that your content is not only grammatically correct but also optimized for search engines. It provides full control over the entire content creation process from keyword research to additional instructions during the outline generation stage and proofreading.
Grammarly is another tool that’s AI-powered but has a very specific use – proofreading and editing.

These specialized tools often have features built specifically for certain aspects of writing and editing that general AI tools may not focus deeply on and that’s precisely why you need them.
2. Add Detailed Context
It’s been said more times than we can count but ChatGPT will only give you as much as you give it in details and quality.
If your prompts are vague and not particularly descriptive, ChatGPT will return with content that’s vague and barely aligns with your preferences.
While some people will bring this up as a point of criticism for ChatGPT, it’s not entirely the tool’s fault. It’s simply forced to make up for your lack of details with a lot of guesswork.
The solution? Give tons of context when prompting. Add a persona if you can. Include numbers, characters and background that are relevant to the piece.
3. Create a Prompt Library
Every now and then, you’ll strike gold with ChatGPT. After spending minutes tweaking, you’ll finally have a prompt that actually produced a result you were satisfied with.
Once you get the prompt, the next best thing to do is to save it. You may use it exactly as is later or you can modify it to suit different purposes. Whatever the case is, it’ll likely come in handy.
Using ChatGPT for proofreading can significantly streamline the editing process, ensuring that content not only meets grammatical standards but also aligns with style guides and delivers a coherent narrative.
By using the prompts we’ve recommended here and adhering to the best practices, you can enhance the effectiveness of your content production and ensure high-quality outcomes consistently.
That said, you can ensure your content is perfect right off the bat by simply using the right tool for content generation in the first place. Simply head over to KWHero to get started.