Best ChatGPT Prompts for Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is an efficient strategy to maximize the reach and value of your existing material. This guide provides targeted ChatGPT prompts to help transform your content across various formats and platforms.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Repurposing Blog Content

With the right ChatGPT prompts, you can leverage AI to transform your long-form content into a variety of engaging formats. This not only extends the life of your original content but also helps you reach a wider audience through different mediums.

Here are some prompts you can use to repurpose blog content:

  1. Summarize this [BLOG POST] into key points for a newsletter.
  2. Create a social media post from the main findings of this [BLOG POST].
  3. Turn this blog article into a script for a short explainer video to be posted on Instagram.
  4. Generate an infographic outline from the statistics mentioned in this blog post. [INSERT BLOG POST]
  5. Write a series of tweets highlighting the main arguments of this blog. [INSERT BLOG POST].
  6. Develop the content for a presentation slide deck based on this blog’s content.
  7. Compose a series of FAQ entries from this blog post. [INSERT BLOG POST]
  8. Extract actionable tips from this blog article for an email series. [INSERT BLOG]
  9. Create a fun, lighthearted quiz to be posted on Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram as polls based on the information provided in this blog. [INSERT BLOG]
  10. Draft a forum post discussing the implications of this blog’s topic. The target audience is [DESCRIBE AUDIENCE]. As such, the tone of the post needs to be [DESCRIBE TONE THAT WILL BEST SUIT TARGET AUDIENCE ON THE FORUM].

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Repurposing Case Studies

Case studies are powerful tools for demonstrating the value of your services or products. Here are some effective ChatGPT prompts to help you transform your case studies for different platforms:

  1. Summarize this case study for a newsletter feature. [INSERT CASE STUDY]
  2. Create a blog post highlighting the key outcomes of this case study. Keep it simple but impactful for the audience and avoid wasting time with unnecessary introductions in each section. 
  3. Develop a series of social media posts showcasing this success story. [INSERT CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY].
  4. Generate the outline for an infographic that visualizes the results of this case study. [INSERT CASE STUDY OR ITS RESULTS].
  5. Compose an email to clients showcasing the impact of this case study. [INSERT CASE STUDY].
  6. Create a script for a testimonial video based on this case study. It will feature [NUMBER OF TALENTS] and should be no more than [DURATION] long. 
  7. Develop a presentation for stakeholders summarizing this case study.
  8. Write a forum discussion prompt based on the challenges overcome in this [CASE STUDY].
  9. Use this case study to craft a white paper for industry peers.
  10. Create a detailed how-to guide from the solutions in this case study.
  11. Summarize this case study for a social media campaign.

Best ChatGPT Prompts for Repurposing Video Content – Webinars, Conferences, Demos, etc.

Before repurposing video content, it’s crucial to remember that ChatGPT cannot directly process video files. 

So, first, you have to convert your video content to text using a video-to-transcript tool. 

Descript and have gotten some good reviews from their customers in the past and might be worth taking a look at, depending on your specific needs. 

Once you have the transcript, here are prompts to repurpose your webinars, conferences, and demos into engaging content:

  1. Summarize the key points of this [VIDEO TRANSCRIPT] for a blog post.
  2. Create social media posts from the top questions answered in this [WEBINAR TRANSCRIPT].
  3. Develop an email newsletter series based on the main themes of this [CONFERENCE TRANSCRIPT].
  4. Generate a comprehensive plan for an engaging tutorial based on this [PRODUCT DEMO TRANSCRIPT].
  5. Write a script for a follow-up video addressing unanswered questions from the [WEBINAR].
  6. Craft an FAQ section for [COMPANY WEBSITE] based on this Q&A session video from an earlier-held webinar. The target audience is [DESCRIBE TARGET AUDIENCE]. As such, it’s important for the content to match their normal means of conversing.
  7. Generate a series of tweetable insights from this seminar. [INSERT A TRANSCRIPT FROM THE SEMINAR].
  8. Use this workshop video to create interactive content for a virtual workshop. [INSERT VIDEO TRANSCRIPT]
  9. Develop a series of blog posts covering each major point of this [CONFERENCE VIDEO].
  10. Create marketing copy highlighting the selling points discussed in this demo. [INSERT PRODUCT DEMO TRANSCRIPT].
  11. Draft a blog series exploring the implications of the trends discussed in this conference.
  12. Develop marketing campaign ideas based on the content of this video.
  13. Summarize the content of this webinar for a press release. [INSERT WEBINAR TRANSCRIPT].
  14. Compose a detailed guide for [COMPANY BLOG] based on the tutorial provided in this video.

Prompts for Repurposing Podcasts

Similar to video content, podcasts need to be converted to text before being repurposed. Once you have a transcript of your audio content, here are some ChatGPT prompts to help you create new content from your podcasts:

  1. Summarize this podcast episode for a blog post. Be sure to break each key piece of information in the podcast into a separate section for readability on the website.
  2. Create a series of social media posts based on the most engaging quotes from this podcast. Keep them short and impactful. 
  3. Draft an email newsletter highlighting the key takeaways from this episode. [INSERT A TRANSCRIPT OF THE EPISODE]
  4. Generate discussion questions for a forum based on the topics covered in this podcast.
  5. Develop a script for a video summarizing the main points of this podcast for social media. [INSERT PODCAST TRANSCRIPT]
  6. Compose a series of tweets promoting the most interesting discussions from this episode. Make the series of tweets a thread to be posted on X and keep them lighthearted to keep the audience engaged.
  7. Create an outline for a presentation summarizing the key insights gained from this podcast.
  8. Write an infographic outline based on the data discussed in this podcast.
  9. Draft a press release highlighting the podcast’s exploration of trending topics.
  10. Develop a comprehensive blog series expanding on the subjects discussed in this podcast. [INSERT PODCAST TRANSCRIPT OR SCRIPT, IF THE LATTER WAS FOLLOWED METICULOUSLY].
  11. Extract key insights from this podcast for a LinkedIn article that’s no more than a thousand words. 
  12. Summarize each podcast episode we’ve created for a series on Pinterest.
  13. Cut out the most important parts of this podcast that went without interruption for a visual audio post.

Prompts for Repurposing Social Content Across Platforms

Here is a list of prompts that could help you seamlessly repurpose social content, ensuring it resonates with your target audience, no matter where they hang out online.

  1. Convert this lengthy caption from this Instagram post into an X thread by highlighting the main points and adding relevant hashtags.
  2. Adapt this Facebook video content for LinkedIn by focusing on the professional angle and inserting keywords related to the digital marketing industry.
  3. Create a blog post from this series of X posts, providing a deeper dive into the frequently asked questions mentioned.
  4. Transform this YouTube webinar into a series of Instagram stories by extracting key insights and using engaging visuals.
  5. Develop a Pinterest infographic from this LinkedIn article, summarizing the main points with eye-catching graphics.
  6. Create an email newsletter snippet from this Facebook post, emphasizing the pain points it addresses, to generate leads.
  7. Reformat this TikTok video for a Facebook audience by extending the content’s length and integrating a more detailed explanation, based on the main points discussed in the original video.
  8. Turn this Instagram live Q&A session into a comprehensive FAQ section for our website, ensuring it addresses our audience’s common queries in a brief and concise manner.
  9. These are our most successful X posts, judged by the number of engagements they received individually and combined. Repurpose them for LinkedIn by making them only a bit more lengthy, professional and LinkedIn-specific.
  10. Generate a podcast episode script from this series of LinkedIn posts discussing industry trends, ensuring it engages listeners.


Content repurposing is an effective strategy to enhance the value and extend the life of your original materials. By utilizing targeted ChatGPT prompts, you can creatively adapt and distribute content across different platforms and formats, ensuring your message reaches a wider audience while maintaining consistency and depth.

That said, before getting to the stage of content repurposing, you first have to create great content. That’s where KWHero comes in.

With a range of features from keyword research to outline generation and content creation, our tool allows you to make the most of your content creation efforts and outrank your competitors. Sign up now!

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